My office is changing name ! 公司的新名字Engel & Volkers Whistler

Engel & Volkers Whistler will be the new name. 原来的本地房地产公司,从2018年9月份开始,将冠以一个国际性房地产公司Engel & Volkers 的名字,Engel & Volkers Whistler 将是我们的新名字!


根据近日刚刚内部公布的消息;我所在的公司与Engel & Volkers达成合作协议,成立Engel & Volkers Whislter。新公司的名字将于9月4号开始启用。

Engel & Volkers是一家国际性的房地产公司,新的公司即维持我们以往的精品和服务为主的公司理念,也将借助EV的全球网络,将本地房地产市场推向全球,世界更多的人将通过EV的系统和网络了解EV Whistler代理的本地市场。


It has just been announced, Thornhill Real Estate Group will be partnering with the global real estate brand, Engel & Volkers. Our partnership with Engel & Völkers will provide the leverage necessary to continue thriving in today’s global marketplace, while maintaining our core values as a boutique, service oriented real estate agency. Engel & Volkers is distinctive for their excellence, global presence and worldwide reach. Along with this, our listings will receive greater exposure using the latest technology, tools & resources now available to us.

Even though our name will change our brokerage will remain independently owned and operated and will continue to be a market leader and passionate supporter of our community. The expected transition date is September 4, 2018. 

